Blue Lily: The Sacred Blue Lotus of the Nile
Blue Lily, also known as Blue Lotus (Blue Egyptian Lotus) and the Sacred Lily of the Nile, is a delicious, relaxing herb and an intoxicating way to enhance bliss, deepen spiritual connection and is often used as an alternative replacement to alcohol. Blue Lily creates a dream-like state to provide relaxation and promote healthy, deep sleep.
Cultivated and revered since Egyptian times when it symbolised the continual renewal of life, its sacredness is believed to be most likely due to its psychoactive use by priests and shamans. The beautiful blue flowers of this lotus were smoked and ingested by the ancient Egyptians, producing a subtle, calming and etheric effect. Cleopatra was particularly enamoured with this herb and it was even represented in early Egyptian art.
“The blue lotus, in combination with psilocybin cavensis, looks like it’s an elixir that was practiced for a very long time, as evidenced by the hieroglyphs that we just saw.”
– Paul Stamets discussing Blue Lily on the Joe Rogan Experience #2134 [02:13:30]
Common Uses of the Sacred Blue Lily
Relaxation, sleep, quitting unwanted habits, spiritual journeying & meditation, awakening the spirit and harm reduction.
Want to learn more?
Learn more about Blue Lily in detail via our Herbs A-Z listing or peruse the discussion in our selection of blogs below, discover new recipes or listen to the Joe Rogan Experience #2134 with Paul Stamets for the world famous mycologist’s own thoughts from 1:58:00 onward.
Blue Lily in Blogs.
Blue Lily in Recipes.